Thursday, April 05, 2007

Montevideo: city w/ Best Quality of Life in SA

Montevideo was rated the city with the best Quality of Life in South America by Mercer Human Resource Consulting.

Worldwide rankings put Zurich Switzerland at number one and Baghdad at dead last.

Here's the link to the story that ran in Uruguay Daily News Montevideo News.

p.s. I let them use my pic for that story with the condition that fuBarrio got a photo credit. But, there isn't any credit! Editor must have figured that it hurt their credibility to suggest that a bald dog with cataracs and no opposible thumb could take such a nice pic. Of course I took it with my friend's camera which might explain why the pics on my blog don't always look so nice :)

p.p.s. i was looking at "cataracs"...that can't be spelled correctly. if you're wondering why i so frequently mispell words in my blog (sic)'s because

a.) i don't know how to spell,
b.) my blogging software insists that because i'm in south america i must be trying to run their application in spanish (including the built in spell checker), and
c.) i'm too lazy to write it up in another app and spellcheck before bringing it back into my bloggin screws up the WYSIWYG editor and i have to reformat everything.


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