Wednesday, January 03, 2007

fuBarrio Bows before the Master!

fuBarrio has been reduced to a quivering mass of grotesquely balding, spotted, greying flesh. wimpering in the corner, nawing feverishly on his hind paw, fuBarrio is almost catatonic in his awe oblivious to the obvious damage his razor sharp, horrifically crooked teeth were causing. The master has spoken!

Who is this master?

Before being hauled away be men in white jackets with soothing voices, fuBarrio was beseeched by all those that care about him (both of you!) "what is it fuBarrio? What is wrong? Are your twinkies mocking you again?"

fuBarrio could only wave one of his unbloodied paws in the direction of the computer and mutter incomprehensible phrases.

Now, is 24 hours later and fuBarrio has regained control of himself -- well, as much as he usually has, and finds himself deeply saddened. Saddened that he doesn't have any kind of referral business with the master whereby he can extract a sizeable chunk of money from anyone foolish enough to follow fuBarrio's advice and sign up for Doug Casey's research service, if for no other reason than to read his interview in this month's International Speculator.

A tour de force. Unfortunately, do to an unfortunate restraining order I was not able to interview Doug Casey for fuBarrio's blog. A further unfortunate circumstance, I am unable to reproduce it here for you since I am logged on through the "nervous hospital's" computer system and the admin keeps mumbling something about intellectual property laws, "piracy" and something else I can't understand....

Doug has a bunch of shorter things here and there online for free. Google him. He provides snippets to many services in an attempt to get subscribers for his following.

If you want to pony up some hard cash for his newsletter, or just peruse the free things that are on his site it is at

By way of disclosure, I receive nothing for this endorsement. His people said something about a "paw print" not being a legal mark and rendering the contract invalid...also mumbled something about the enforcability of a contract signed with a mentally disturbed person being unenforceable....Dunno what they meant there. Doug seemed perfectly sane to me.

Oh well.

ciao for now,


Anonymous said...

I always listen carefully to what Doug Casey has to say. I may not always agree with him, but he usually shows me a whole new way of looking at an issue, and I always learn something new. I heard him speak 10 days after 9/11, and appreciated hearing his intelligent and rational perspective in those confused days. A few more of his articles are here:

Did you know he has a second home in Argentina? He's practically our neighbor!

-- Shirley

Anonymous said...

Didnt he start off advertising Snake Oil on match book covers?

fuBarrio said...

dunno about snake oil. he did make some well publicized calls on the dow in the early 80's that seemed insane at the time, but were met or exceeded.

only time will tell if his calls on the PM's, Energy and U3O8 turn out to be right again or his "waterloo"

u might be able to guess which side i'm betting on.


Anonymous said...

Dont have the slightest idea of who or what he is.I have never heard of him prior to your introduction.But,I did read the web site you gave and the Rags to Riches stories.First flash in my empty head was ANOTHER Broker Guru who will make you rich overnight just SEND $$$.They all sell the same Dream.And Im sorry but a guy who makes a good call every 25 years will make alot of people hungry.Have finally hit black in my portfolio after being down 50%.
Real Estate Bubble,hell Ive been in JP and am still living thru the bubble.I agree with you that a R/E crash is in the future but when is the future.
America has the Immigration Flood Gates wide open and all these people need housing and everything else!Do not think they will ever be able to close the gates.Those people are a big force in the economy.Your take on the UY RE mkt would be interesting.
Used a Guru once,Martin Zweig,and he picked alot of winners.In the 90s the Yuppies started buying any shit sold and destroyed whatever ideas I had learned on investing, in my limited Ed.Want to cash out of the mkt.What kind of interest are they paying in UY? Kup Khun Kup

fuBarrio said...

yeah...i agree it's difficult to take anyone's advice as carte blanche beneficial to your financial health.

regarding "once every 25 years", actually calling the big moves is how you make money.

he called US stocks in 1982 and stuck with it through the late 1990's.

he made a big public call on uranium before anyone i'm aware of when it was at 7 (it's now at 72) and turned to energy and precious metal juniors in early 2000's.

don't think anyone was "going hungry" throughout the 80's and 90's in US equities, nor in uranium and PMs for the last 6 years.


Anonymous said...

The RE mkt in Uy is of more interest right now and your take,a guy without a hidden agenda,would be appreciated.
Read an article in Escape Artist by Casey and expect a buy on Villas in Somalia coming soon!
He mentioned Koh Samui a place I lived when Magic Mushroom Omeletts were on the menu.
A Farang can not own land in Thailand!!To quote a Lawyer friend of mine -its like doing back flips thru your A--H---I owned a lease but not the land.Again I ask what kind of interest rates are they paying in UY?Kup

fuBarrio said...

i'm already "half done" with a brief brief writeup on RE in Uruguay.

however, that said, my analysis should be taken with a grain of salt since there are some real differences between RE where I'm originally from and RE down here -- which i'll get into in the post


fuBarrio said...


casey, as it turns out, is a HUGE proponent of south american real estate.

owns a second home in salto argentina and spends a portion of his year down here.

he recommends owning foreign RE as a good way to get capital OUT of the US for US citizens since you still (at least at this point) don't have to report on it to the Feds


Anonymous said...

Apple did better than Uranium and I bought some when Bill Gates did.That doesnt make me smart it makes me a putz because I didnt get more!!

fuBarrio said...

yes. apple probably did do better than U3O8. but it didn't do better than uranium juniors that are exposed to the underlying commodity.

u see, uranium is the commodity. the miners have operational leverage (or theoretical operational leverage) on top of discovery upside (and downside) that means that their stock prices can move in greater percentages than the underlying commodity.


Anonymous said...

I am not interested in UY RE for investment!Im worried about getting shut out like BA.
Donald Trump may be reading your blog and I wouldnt want anything to encourage him or any other BIG MONEY hot shots!

alan said...

For the disgruntled Farang fella asking about mortgage interest rates in UY. Heck, phom mai ruu! It seems that there are effective only two mortgage lenders is UY, one is a bank and the other is a government-owned lender.

If you're British it might pay for you to get your loan for a UY purchase in Britain. British banks are quite used to lending for purchases in lands far far away.

And yeah, the whole land thing in Thailand really sucks. And it is about to suck even more for investors. Choog dii na khp.

Sri CheckerFlagBubba

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I wasnt clear.I am not looking for mortgage rates but interest banks PAY on money they hold.As I said I want to cash out of the mkt and someone once quoted a 7.5%.

Anonymous said...

Im not Disgruntled and reread my posts.I asked what kind of interest the banks were paying.
Seems clear to me Alan but I do appreciate your input. How about rates on accounts.Kup

fuBarrio said...

i *heard* about bonds paying out over 10%. i laughed when i heard this and told the person that there was no way to hedge the currency risk in uruguayan pesos.
they responded that this was in US dollars...and backed by the govt.

now, that said, i heard it from someone who i deem as not knowing enough about the subject to be incredibly accurate.

when the "whole world" gets back to montevideo in february, i'll inquire further.


Anonymous said...

I found the 7.5% hard to believe.Also from a questionable source.
High interest rates paid to keep the Baht at 25 to 1 caused the Thai crash of 97(?)