Friday, January 12, 2007

"Hey, let's do MORE of what's NOT WORKING!"

Ok....this is but a brief break from your previously scheduled programming (misadventures of my Chilean "vacation")

I admit that I've been blissfully "out of touch" the last couple of weeks, but I kept seeing reports that President Bush was recommending a troop *increase* among some other tactical changes in Iraq.

Uh....ok, I gotta admit, I really don't have the patience to givto e his proposal a "fair hearing" so I'll just give my first impressions and apologize if it's already been "said to death" in the mainstream media (which I've not yet been subjected to).

This is the trader's equivalent of catching a falling knife.

The market (world in this case) has proven you wrong. So, your "solution" is to just do more of it. Remarkable as it seems, this is a VERY COMMON response to all kinds of problems -- not just trading.

I guess sometimes stubborness actually works. After all, without some amount of pushing, struggling, testing, failing, trying again we never woulda climbed out of the primordial ooze. But the key here is trying something *different* after one things been shown to fail. I'm sure Bushes team is casting this as trying something different, but it just sounds like more of the same right now.

...and didn't Johnson pull something very similar in Vietnam around 1968 with a dramatic escalation in the face of an unpopular/losing war.

As "V for Vendetta" points out, you can't kill an idea.

That's why the "war on terrorism" will never be won.

I highly doubt all those ivy league grads who profit from the military/industrial complex aren't keenly aware of that fact....Winning the "war", or permitting it to end, means another recession in the industry that feeds them, their associates/friends, and their families.

....don't even get me started on the "war on drugs", ugh.


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