Thursday, August 27, 2009

Traduccion Chino

Uruguay is a big place for e-commuters.

The primary reason for this is, I guess, the utter lack of local jobs which are worth a damn, coupled with the fact that a lot of people find it a pleasant, agreeable place to live.

This got an added push a few years ago when it was a lot less expensive to live in Uruguay than many parts of the EU & north america. That momentum has carried over a bit as companies get more liberal about who they will let work online outside of the confines of a cubicle in the home office.

For my money, a north american salary in Uruguay is ideal because of the time zone setup.

During the winter it is one hour ahead of new york. In the summer it is a full three hours ahead.

Summer is a great time of the year to be able to come to the office at 11am & still have a 1 hour jump on people up north.

Recently, a friend of mine who is the wife of an Uruguayan diplomat decided she wanted to start an ebusiness, because it gives her the flexibility of working either here or in one of their duty stations when they travel.

She *just* got started with her website & service offering but it will basically be translation services from spanish to Chinese & back. Suprisingly, given the popularity of these two languages there aren't alot of offerings like this yet.

From my experience the south american business people and the chinese business people usually try to muddle through with some form or english, hand gestures, and patience.

Since she just setup her site, there isn't a lot to see there yet. I'm just gonna give her site a little bit of link love to make sure it gets indexed by the search engines. Once she starts to post on a regular basis & creates some material, the client conversion will be up to her :)

So without further adeu, traduccion chino is her site focused on traducir chino a esp y chino a esp. I have no idea if google expects to see a ` over the o or not. :) Good luck.


p.s. years ago, when i was trying to convince entrepreneurs to move here i looked into setting up an incubator of sorts. the conclusion that many shared with me was that the existing free trade zones which charge heavily for office space & are a better fit for large multinational companies looking to setup satellite offices, would fight me tooth & nail. since i didn't have the time/patience to fight the uy gov (the free trade zones are very well connected i heard), i decided against it.


After alien said...

Hola Fu, como está el mundo? me agrada leer tu blog aunque no entiendo ni jota del palabrerío técnico, por lo que logro entender(entre mi poco inglés y las cuestiones de mercadotecnia) tal parece que el mundo se acaba, al menos el de las cuentas de UBS(medio palo verde pa abrir una cuenta!!!! pense que con lo 16 pesos que tengo pal omnubus me alcanzaba),que el IRS va tras las cuentas offshore(Taxman return)y que se yo, bueno como veras soy uruguayo y que queres que te diga, como dijo Susanita de Mafalda:"Por suerte el mundo está tan lejos..."

After alien said...

hola Fu, leyendo tu blog, que está muy bueno, tal parece que el mundo se va al demonio, al menos el económico,eso es lo que puedo deducir entre mi mal inglés y el palabrerío técnico económico, lo que si me preocupa es que UBS exige medio palo verde para abrir una cuenta, imaginate que pensaba abrir una con lo que tenía pal omnibus:16 pesos.Y bueno, qué querés que te diga? Tal vez lo que decia Susanita de Mafalda:"Por suerte el mundo está tan lejos..."