Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The smoking lamp is NOT lit

OK...I'm not sure if i mentioned this, or if i forgot to....BUT one of the most pleasant suprises to greet us when we arrived is that Uruguay is 100% "smoke free".

So, for those of you that have never been south of the border, or EU or Asia (heaven forbid), that might not seem so mindboggling. But, for a place steeped in old world charm and chock full of Spaniards and Italians -- in South America no less-- I prepared GL for the worst.

I warned her that eating out would likely mean consuming a pack or two worth of second hand smoke. It turns out this year Uruguay illegalized smoking in public places. While u may still see people smoking on the street , dog turds are still a lot more common hazard than the occasional waft of smoke from a passerby.

Interestingly, it seems Uruguay was about even or maybe just slightly behind the "progressive" state of WA, USA. in enforcing the ban.....definately one of those civil liberties that needed crushing....when they develop the ciggie that doesn't drift over to my table and stink up my clothes, the addicts can go right on killing themselves in my presence. Until then, keep it off my wave. :)


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